Monday, June 11, 2007

Six Weeks or less ...

I haven't written in a while ... sorry ... to much working and walking.

I recently met with Gillian and Don, the owners from They offer a coaching service for ultra-distance runners and while I don't run much I figured they might offer some sage advice, considering their combined 280 distance races. I was right. They were great. (I'll be meeting with them again.) They helped refine my pacing and sleep strategies for the actual attempt as well as helped me think through my final 6 weeks of training.

Speaking of which...

I'm planning my attempt some time between July 19th and July 23rd. (I'm getting closer to a specific date.)

My last 3 weeks will be a ramp down, probably 20 miles, 10 miles, and then none. I'll be combining this with some heat training to help my body conserve salts.

My next 3 weeks will be intense. I've been hiking about 40 - 50 miles-a-week for a month and I need to step it up. This last Friday was my first official sleep deprived hike. I slept 5 -6 hours on Wed. and Thurs. then slept 2 hours Friday. (Actually Sat. morning 1am - 3am) After waking I headed out and hiked 27 miles from my house to Rancho San Antonio Park in Cupertino. It was 22 miles to the park where I met Mike and we did a 5 mile loop before heading to Chili's for lunch. It was also my first trial with all (at least 95%) of my gear. I finished alert and strong. Next, I need to camp out with my gear. Maybe this weekend or next.

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